Vestry Retreat

The Vestry held its retreat Saturday June 15. Right from the start our facilitator Canon Anne-Marie Jeffery got the Holy Spirit moving with the question "How did you come to know Jesus?” Our shared experiences are so profound and deeply moving. We were totally energized to discuss the role we want our Rector to take on, as well as our roles as the hands and feet of the Good Shepherd. The vestry has committed to fully embrace the Listening Project from our Tending Our Soil work and will be inviting all of you to participate! We have so much to learn about our amazing congregation and our future together!!


James Finley, Center for Action and Contemplation teacher and psychotherapist, shares that it’s through the wounded places in us that God’s love reaches us: "We are now attempting to bear witness to the sweet secret of experiential salvation in which the torn and ragged edges of our wounded and wayward hearts are experienced as... the opening through which the gentle light of God’s merciful love shines into our lives."


From The Healing Path: A Memoir and an Invitation, 2023, 161–162.

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