Vestry Nominations & Stewardship Campaign - update

Senior Warden's Update

I was sick this week and missed out on the in-person Advent 3 service and was thrilled to be able to attend the Zoom service in my pajamas (camera off). I am so grateful to this ministry that was born of the pandemic and has become such an important part of our life together.

I’m really looking forward to seeing you at Transfiguration on Sunday morning for our first joint in-person service with our sister congregation and to our Christmas Eve service at Good Shepherd at 5:30 pm. 

At our vestry meeting last week, we voted to accept George’s proposal to make his job more flexible. You can read his proposal here. He’ll be taking summers off from in-person Sunday services as well as 5 other Sundays over the course of the year so that he can spend time in France in our new apartment as well as have the flexibility to go out of town to visit our son in Boston, etc. George and I really appreciate the vestry’s enthusiastic support of his ministry and of his changing needs. We both love being at Good Shepherd. 

The vestry also voted to create a new Worship Committee, whose founding members are George, Ray Groshong, Rev. Linda and me. This is something that I will continue doing after I stop being Senior Warden.

The nominating committee (consisting of Nina, Florence, Vonnie, Rosemary and me), has had its first meeting and is asking people to run for vestry. Things are looking good! We have a Senior Warden candidate!! I am delighted to share the news that Debbie Beebe is willing to serve, and I wholeheartedly support her doing so. 

If you get a call from one of us, please prayerfully consider serving. And if you’re interested in serving - or just want to know more - please reach out to one of us. 

The stewardship campaign has been very successful. We are currently at 40 pledges for a total of $223,175.20. This is excellent news but is lower than last year (which was $245,000). If you haven’t yet pledged, please do so! 

That’s all for now. 


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