Vestry Meeting

It’s been another busy week!! Thanks to all for these many blessings!!      

  • We had our Vestry meeting on Wednesday. There was lots of great discussion on our finances and the rector selection process. As soon as they are ready, we will make the minutes available to everyone!
  • We held our Bible and Prayer meetings (Wednesday and Thursday). Everyone is welcome to join!
  • Linda, our Deacon, is holding the last Stations of the Cross Zoom service on Friday: This is a very moving and spiritual inspiration; please join!
  • I met with a school that is very motivated. They are impressed with our space in the old building (to use during the week days) and especially with our location. More to come!
  • Many thanks to Joe Burckle who installed a sturdy cover over the deep window well on the north side of the Education Wing. This will prevent the flood which emanated from the downstairs girl’s bathroom after a heavy rainstorm last year!!!
  • Many thanks to Liz Cocke who was inspired to remove all the pallets collecting near the dumpster. Allen Wyrick helped!! They can’t change the color of the dumpster as requested by the neighbor next to the parking lot….but the area looks so much better now!!!!                     

From: Richard Rohr’s Daily Meditations (Center for Action and Contemplation)

 Howard Thurman (1899–1981) believed that cultivating inner stillness allows us to experience the divine. Lerita Coleman Brown writes: 

Everyday mystics are people who commune with the presence of God, receive guidance through prophetic visions, voices, and dreams, and commit themselves to living for God rather than solely for themselves. Their vision for life is larger and more expansive, knowing that they are alive for a reason, a purpose that will benefit human spirits they may never meet.... Thurman lived out an identity grounded in mysticism, as he regularly felt oneness with God and on occasion experienced visions. He also believed that mystical moments should stir people toward love, community, and social action.”

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