Balanced Budget Approved - February 2, 2023

We are a people who hear the Good Shepherd’s voice. We know by faith that we belong to God. We are called to seek and love our neighbors as God loves us. (Our mission statement)


The vestry met last week and approved a balanced budget for 2023 (!!!)—we look forward to talking about it with everyone at the Annual Meeting on February 26. We also approved the Strategic Plan, Mission and Vision that the Tending Our Soil team had developed and then worked together with the vestry to refine. All of our votes were unanimous, and we are celebrating the great teamwork that we have between the vestry, the finance committee, and the Tending Our Soil team. Further evidence of the Holy Spirit’s movement and blessings in this time! Our updated Mission (see above) and Vision statements are on the church home page


Also on the website, on the transition news page, you can find the video and supporting materials from the Rev. Dr. Anne-Marie Jeffery’s January 17 visit. Take a look! A huge thank-you to Ray Groshong for keeping our website up to date, user-friendly, and gorgeous. 


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