Struggling with the angel - November 13, 2022

Hello, everyone! 


Thank you to Ray Battistelli for his stewardship reflection on Sunday. I have been enriched this week by the image of our being on the banks of the river, like Jacob, struggling with the angel. We don’t know what comes next. But we, like Jacob, can demand a blessing in the struggle. I love that! 


We are all looking forward to Canon Phillips’ presence with us on Sunday at the 10:30 service. He’ll be preaching as well as talking with us after the service about the rector search process.


Vestry meets next Wednesday. We’ll be focusing primarily on finances and will have the finance committee with us. As always, vestry meetings are open to the congregation. Just ask for the zoom link. Note that you’ll be in the role of observer, not participant—but/and a conversation with any of us is available afterward. 


Don’t forget to take a deep breath and let it out with a sigh. 


With love and blessings,

Anna & Rosemary

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