It has been a busy week!

We have been busy this week! Thanks to all for these many blessings!!       

    We celebrated Vonnie’s birthday at her party after church last Sunday!

    We received 3 more applications for our rector position (for a total of 4)!

    Thanks to Rosemary Addy who will be setting up initial interviews.

    There are 2 ongoing adult education zoom classes for Lent (see links above).

    The forum led by Shaun Hardy and Liz Cocke on the book “Part-Time is Plenty” relates directly to our thinking about our future so please join the discussion!

    We held our Bible and Prayer meetings (Wednesday and Thursday).

    Linda, our Deacon, is holding special Stations of the Cross Zoom services on Friday.

    We held our food drive on Saturday and had more of our outdoor lighting fixed (thank you Shaun and Allen!).

    We received 2 estimates for fixing our roofs.


I contacted Canon Andrew Walter, Canon to the Ordinary/Chief Operating Officer of the Diocese who put me in touch with Mary Davies (a commercial real estate advisor) who will assess our building to determine market value potential for leasing opportunities. I was also excited to be contacted by Rev Meredith Heffner the Dean for Central Montgomery parishes and we will be meeting to discuss our parish: its opportunities and possibilities for sharing resources.


    Every day, we are given a natural way to reconnect with God and it doesn’t depend upon intelligence, education, or a religion. It depends on really being present and connecting with the soul...and others… Father Richard Rohr 


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