Roadmap to a New Rector - June 22, 2023

At the June vestry meeting, we discussed our Roadmap to a New Rector! Throughout the summer, the Vestry will break into teams to get a number of tasks and reports completed in preparation to post our vacancy announcement. The big tasks to be completed are: creating the congregational vitality report, creating the Rector job description, completing a website review with Canon Robert Phillips, and creating a report for the Office of Transition Ministry. Our goal is to have the final versions of these reports completed by late September! You can help us reach this goal by answering a few Community Portfolio Questions about your experience at GSEC! 


On June 9th Anna G and JasCiel met with Canon Andrew Walter for a financial review. He is very impressed with the work that GSEC has done to assess our financial situation, including our most recent successful stewardship campaign (thanks Stewardship Committee) and our decision that a part-time rector is the most sustainable financial decision. He believes that our proposed compensation package (salary + housing + benefits + pension) is competitive for today’s rector recruitment market. 


Speaking of GSEC finances, Good Shepherd received an unrestricted bequest from John Mason for the amount of $25,000. Please join in thanking God for the life and generosity of John Mason and the good ministry of Good Shepherd that inspired the bequest. The Vestry has agreed to use this gift as seed money for a new Building Fund. Money in this fund will be used for maintenance of the property.


As mentioned last Sunday, Anna O., Anna G., and JasCiel attended a gathering of EDOW East County leaders hosted by Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde. We walked away with some insightful and inspiring ideas on how to partner with our sister congregations on various universal needs like clergy, lay leadership, congregational life activities, and building/grounds maintenance. 


The Vestry recently read What Is the Essential Work of Congregations We invite you to read this insightful article and discuss your thoughts with fellow parishioners. 


Finally, Anna G. and George will be spending the summer in Germany and France visiting friends and living their best lives! Anna & George will return on August 8th. We wish them a safe and fun-filled vacation. Bon Voyage! 

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