Rector Search - Annual Stewardship Campairn

I’m excited to announce that our rector position is now LIVE with the Diocese, as of last Friday. As promised, click here to see the PDF of the OTM Ministry Portfolio, which is what candidates will read to learn about us. This was a huge amount of work and was the distillation of what was shared in the small groups and surveys that you all participated in. Thank you! 

This Sunday we will be inviting you to write thank-you cards to everyone who pledged after church—as a community. We think that will be really fun, and another opportunity to strengthen us as a community. 

The vestry is working on finalizing the position description for a part-time, temporary replacement for Lynn— we will likely work with an agency so that we can get someone in quickly. We don’t want to hire a permanent person because our new rector should also have a voice in the hiring, and also because — at Rev. Anna’s suggestion—we are looking at some creative ideas for how to restructure the position in the longer term — potentially sharing an administrator with another church, for example. 

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