Well, here we are, in another moment of our transition process. Let’s all take a deep breath and let it out with a sigh! We can do this! We are not alone. God is our rock and our salvation, and the Diocese has our back.
A few things of note— with more coming next week.
I am so grateful to Liz Cocke for kicking off our stewardship campaign on such a powerful note last Sunday! And a huge thank-you to Ray Groshong for getting the Stewardship page up and running on the website. If you didn’t get a chance to hear Liz’s talk, click here to listen to it! You will not regret it. The videos of each of this month’s stewardship talks will all be posted to that same page.
Have you been wondering how we are being represented to potential candidates for the rector position? We will be sharing the parish profile with the congregation as soon as it actually goes live —which should be within the next few days. There always seems to be one more technical issue! But I think that we have resolved them at this point… Stay tuned!
Do you have questions or ideas regarding next steps or what’s going on? I’ve created an easy form for you to fill out, so that we can respond to your questions and benefit from your ideas and more easily collaborate with you. The link is here. Sometimes emails get lost in the shuffle. Please use this form—and use it as many times as you’d like. Don’t be shy!
Collaboration with Transfiguration. As you know, Transfiguration is also going through a transition right now, and we all think that this is a golden opportunity for further collaboration. The senior warden at Transfiguration, Dave Stoddard, and I have been talking, and our vestries are both interested in exploring further ways that we can work/worship/minister/have fun together. On that note: Please join us at Transfiguration on Dec. 24 for the 10:30 am Advent 4 service! Our choirs will be singing together!! We hope that this is just the beginning in a growing collaboration between our parishes.
Finally, please prayerfully consider whether you are called to be Senior Warden or to be a vestry member in the coming year. I will be stepping down as Senior Warden in February and we have a new class of vestry members to elect. This is an exciting and transformative time to be in leadership at Good Shepherd. Yes, it’s challenging! But it’s good work, and our vestry has never been stronger or healthier. I am so grateful that JasCiel’s term as Junior Warden goes for one more year. Working with her has been one of the great joys of my time in this position.
That’s all for now. Sending love and blessings to all.