Making Progress

Senior Warden's Update


It’s been another busy week!! Thanks to all for these many blessings!!

  • 3 candidates interviewed for the Rector position (thank you Rosemary, Florence, and Nina!!)
  • There are 2 ongoing adult education zoom classes for Lent (Tuesday and Thursday; see links above).
  • The forum led by Shaun Hardy and Liz Cocke on the book “Part-time is Plenty: Thriving without full-time clergy” relates directly to our thinking about our future; please join the discussion!
  • We held our Bible and Prayer meetings (Wednesday and Thursday).
  • Linda, our Deacon, is holding special Stations of the Cross Zoom services on Fridays in Lent: This is very moving and spiritually inspiring; please join!
  • Florence has performed a miracle….the iceberg in the kitchen refrigerator is GONE and both refrigerators are spotless inside!!! Thank you!!!!
  • I met with Mary Davies (a commercial realtor and a resource provided through the Diocese (Canon Walter) who will provide us with market rates for leasing space in our old building (pre-school area) during weekdays. She was very encouraging in terms of finding a pre-K program to lease the space.
  • A small group of vestry members and finance committee met with Canon Andrew Walter, Canon to the Ordinary/Chief Operating Officer of the Diocese who told us: “the Bishop and all the Canons (Andrew, Robert and Anne-Marie have a very high regard for the hard work our vestry and congregation are doing!!”
  • I had a lovely lunch with Rev Meredith Heffner the Dean for Central Montgomery parishes: more to come.

What can we give back through a pattern of reciprocity to a planet that gives us

so much? What will make the more-than-human creation glad that we are here?

Debra Rienstra, Refugia Faith: Seeking Hidden Shelters, Ordinary Wonders, and the

Healing of the Earth (Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2022), 106, 107.



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