Our 2024 Annual Giving Campaign has been extended! Each year we ask for your pledge to contribute whatever you are able to help us budget for the coming year 2025. Thanks to Lillian Luksenburg Ana Curtis, and Vonnie Schoppelrei who gave inspiring testimonials the last 3 Sundays. Their messages will be posted on our website if you weren't able to be there to hear them.
Our theme this year is Courageous Discipleship where we seek to join our Savior in caring for others by generously sharing what we have been given. We have many reasons to be grateful including our Deacon Linda, our Pastoral Care Team, our Diocese, our congregation and two other congregations all of whom worship in our beautiful sanctuary, Bible study, our Prayer Group and our ministries including the Food Drive, Refugee Response, Crossways Community, Shepherd's Table and a Core Team for Action in Montgomery (AIM).
Our goal this year is $235,000 in pledges for 2025 and we have received $188,000 to date. We have mailed letters and pledge cards to everyone in our directory (let me know if you did not receive them) and pledge cards are available in church on the side table. You may mail or bring your pledge cards to church (place them in the offering plate or in the lockbox on the table). You may also pledge on our website www.https://gsecmd.org.
Your financial support is crucial for sustaining and strengthening our congregation and its ministries. Feel free to call me with any questions!
Love and blessings, Debbie